LuvLola Blog – Natural Organic Skin Care Solutions

Headache & Migraine Relief Essential Oil Blend

Instant Headache & Migraine Relief


  • 7  drops peppermint 
  • 7 drops lavender 
  • 2 drops copaiba
  • 2 drops frankincense
  • 2 drops wintergreen
  • 1 oz carrier oil


  1. Use a small glass oil to mix the essential oils and the carrier oils together.
  2. Massage over your temples and the back of your neck.
  3. Store the rest of your oil in a glass jar, and keep on a cool place out of direct sunlight.



I recommend using therapeutic grade essential oils for best results. I personally use doTerra essential oils. Here are some links to the oils you will need for this blend. 

Want to learn more about essential oils?

This $7 essential oils e-book will teach you the fundamentals of how to use essential oils for increasing energy and improving your health and wellbeing.